LP3 Staking Mechanics
The LP3 staking option on SMARTMALL introduces a flexible and rewarding staking mechanism. Users can earn rewards in both USMT and SMT tokens by participating in the LP3 staking program. Below are the detailed rules and reward structures for LP3 staking.
No Dividends Sharing:
Participants in LP3 can earn USMT and SMT rewards.
Reward Participation:
Similar to LP2, ensuring 10% of Matic is used to buy SMT.
Quality Staking Requirements:
Adding LP: Users add LP (SMT/MATIC) based on the actual amount of MATIC. The minimum amount is 50 MATIC. For example, if a user adds 50 MATIC LP, it will be considered 45 MATIC.
Increasing Quality: Users can increase the quality at any time, with no lower limit on the amount of MATIC added.
Fixed Period Staking:
Users can choose their next staking period at the end of the current period. Options include 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and up to 360 days. Each period offers different multipliers to rewards.
Reward Calculation:
The user's weighting is calculated as (Quality Weight + Fixed Period Multiplier) x Time Period Reward.
SMT Reward Rules
SMT Origin:
SMT rewards are derived from 1% of GUP-minted SMT.
Reward Calculation:
The reward calculation is based on the user's weighting. For example, adding 500 MATIC LP for 30 days results in a weight of 3. The formula is as follows:
Individual User Weight / Total User Weight x SMT Reward Pool.
USMT Reward Rules
USMT Origin:
USMT rewards are sourced from a percentage of the airdrop pool.
Reward Calculation:
The user's weighting is calculated as (Quality Weight + Fixed Period Multiplier) x Time Period Reward. For example, adding 50 MATIC LP and choosing a 90-day period results in a weight of 3. The formula is:
Quality Weight x Daily USMT Reward.
Detailed Calculation
Quality Weight Ranges:
45~99 MATIC = Weight 1
100~499 MATIC = Weight 2
500~999 MATIC = Weight 3
1000~1999 MATIC = Weight 4
2000~4999 MATIC = Weight 5
5000~9999 MATIC = Weight 6
10000 MATIC and above = Weight 7
Fixed Period Multipliers:
Free In/Out = 0
30 Days = 2
90 Days = 3
180 Days = 4
270 Days = 5
360 Days = 6
Daily Reward Calculation:
0~30 Days = 8.64 USMT
31~120 Days = 17.28 USMT
121~240 Days = 25.92 USMT
241~360 Days = 34.56 USMT
360+ Days = 43.20 USMT
Example Calculation
If a user stakes 100 MATIC for 30 days, the calculation would be:
Quality Weight (100 MATIC) = 2
Fixed Period Multiplier (30 days) = 2
Time Period Reward (0~30 days) = 8.64 USMT
(2 + 2) x 8.64 = 34.56 USMT daily reward.
The LP3 staking mechanism on SMARTMALL provides a structured and rewarding way for users to stake their assets. By understanding and leveraging the quality weights and fixed period multipliers, users can maximize their rewards in both USMT and SMT tokens.
Last updated